Manifestation of God Kabir (Kavir Dev) in Dwapar yuga by name 'Karunamay'

God Kabir

Manifestation of God Kabir (Kavir Dev) in Dwapar yuga by name 'Karunamay'

God Kabir (Kavir Dev or Kabir Das) had appeared in Dwapar Yug by Karunamay name. At that time a devotee Sudarshan Supach born in Balmik caste had become His disciple. This Sudarshan Ji only had successfully concluded Pandav’s yagya, which neither became accomplished with Shri Krishna Ji’s having food, nor with the thirtythree crore gods, eighty-eight thousand Rishis, twelve crore Brahmins, nine Naaths, 84 Siddhs etc’s having food. Devotee Sudarshan Valmik, on obtaining the three real mantras from Complete Guru Ji, was doing true sadhna by remaining within Guru’s bounds.

Taking Indramati in Refuge in Dwapar Yug

In Dwaparyug, there was a king named Chandravijay. His wife Indramati was a very religious woman. She used to show a lot of respect to saints-Mahatmas. She had also made a guru. Her gurudev had told that daughter, one should serve sadhus-saints. It is very beneficial to feed the saints. Fast of Ekadashi (eleventh day of a lunar fortnight), jaap (chanting) of mantra etc sadhnas, which gurudev had explained to her, she was engaged in all that, and in the bhakti of God with a lot of determination. Gurudev had told her that if you will feed the saints, then you will become a queen in your future births also, and will attain heaven. The queen thought that I will certainly feed one saint everyday. She pledged this in her heart that I will have food only after feeding a saint. By doing this it will remain in my mind. Everyday the queen, first of all, used to feed a saint and then herself used to have food. This went on for years.

Once, a Kumbh featival was held in Haridwar. All the worshipper saints of the Trigun Maya departed for bath in the Ganga. Because of this the queen did not find any saint to feed for several days. Queen Indramati herself also did not eat anything. On the fourth day, said to her maid, “Maid, see, if you can find a saint. Otherwise your queen will not remain alive today. Today I will die, but I shall not eat food.” That Kabir God, who is compassionate to the poor and needy, who knows what reason He can make to take His devotee of previous times in His refuge. The maid went in the balcony above and saw that a saint is coming in front. He was in white clothes.

Kabir Sahib

In Dwapar Yug, Kabir God (Kabir Das) had come by Karunamay name. The maid came down and said to the queen that there is a man who appears to be a saint. The queen said, “Call him quickly.” The maid went outside the palace and requested that Sahib, our queen has sent for you. Karunamay Ji said that why has the queen called me; what have I got to do with the queen? The maid servant narrated the whole account. Karunamay (God Kabir) Ji said that if queen needs me, she can come here; I am standing here. You are a maid servant and she is a queen. If I go there and she says that who had called you or her king might say something; daughter, showing disrespect to saints is very sinful. The maid returned and narrated the whole account to the queen. The queen said, “Maid, hold my hand and come.” On reaching there, the queen prostrating with reverence requested, “Oh Parmeshwar! My desire is to make you sit on my shoulder.” Karunamay Ji said, “Daughter! I only wanted to see whether you have any devotion or are merely starving.” Karunamay Ji went in to the palace with her. The queen prepared food with her own hands. KavirDev in Karunamay form said that I do not consume food. On this the queen said that I will also not have food. Karunamay Sahib Ji said that alright daughter, let us eat food, because only He is called ‘All-Capable’ (Samrath) who can do whatever He wishes. Karunamay Ji ate food, then asked the queen that who told you this sadhna that you are doing? The queen said that my gurudev has given me this order. God Kabir questioned, “What order has your gurudev given to you?” Indramati replied — worship of Vishnu-Mahesh, fast of Ekadashi, pilgrimage, goddessworship, to carry out shraadhs, visiting a temple, service to saints. Karunamay (God Kabir) Ji said that the sadhna which your gurudev has given you can not liberate you from birth and death, heaven and hell, and from the sufferings of 84 lakh births of various living beings. The queen said that all the saints try to glorify themselves. You will not say anything against my gurudev, whether I may get liberated or not.

Now, Karunamay (God Kabir) Ji thought that how should these innocent living beings be convinced? They can die, but can not leave what they are following blindly. Karunamay Ji said, “Daughter, it is your wish. I am not criticizing. Have I abused your gurudev or have spoken ill of him? I am just telling the path of bhakti that this bhakti is against the scriptures. It will not give you salvation, nor will any punishment of your deeds be severed, and listen, on the third from today, you will die. Neither will your gurudev be able to save you, nor will this fake sadhna of yours. (When it comes to dying, then this living being is frightened; otherwise does not listen.) The queen thought that saints do not lie, and I might die day after tomorrow. With this fear, asked Karunamay Ji, “Sahib, can my life be saved?” God Kabir (Karunamay) replied, “Yes, it can be saved. If you will take initiation from me, will become my disciple, will relinquish the former way of worship, then your life will be saved.” Indramati said, “I have heard that one should not change gurudev; one incurs sin.” God Kabir (Karunamay) said, “No, daughter, this is also your misconception. If one doctor’s medicine does not work, then don’t we go to another one? There is a teacher of class five. Then there is a teacher of a higher class. Daughter, you will have to move to the next class. Will you spend your whole life in class five? You will have to leave this. Now you do further studies. I have come to teach you.” She would not have agreed, but when started seeing her death that if the saint is saying then things might go wrong. On thinking this, Indramati said that I will do as you say. Karunamay (God Kabir) Ji gave her updesh, and said that Kaal will come in my form on the third day; you do not have to speak to him. Do jaap of the mantra that I have given you for two minutes. Look at him after two minutes. Then treat respectfully. Normally, when Gurudev comes, one should immediately fall at his feet. This is my order only for this time. The queen said, “Alright.”

Now the queen was worried; was doing jaap with devotion. Kaal came in Gurudev’s form by acquiring Karunamay Ji’s appearance and called out “Indramati, Indramati”. Now she was already scared, kept on doing sumiran (jaap of mantra). She did not look at Kaal. When looked at him after two minutes, Kaal’s form changed, and his actual face became visible. He did not have Karunamay Ji’s appearance anymore. When Kaal saw that his form has changed, then he realised that she has some powerful mantra. He left saying that I will see you some other time. You have been saved this time. The queen became very happy and was delighted. She told her maid servants that I was supposed to die, but my Gurudev saved me. She went to the king, and said that I was going to die today, my gurudev saved me. Kaal had come to take me. The king said that you are always doing dramas. If Kaal had come, would he have left you? These saints just mislead you. Now how can she accept this? The queen laid down in happiness. After some time, Kaal came again as a snake and stung the queen. As soon as the snake stung the queen, she became aware of it. The queen screamed, “A snake has stung me.” The servants came running. The snake went out through a hole (through a small outlet for water) before their eyes. After calling her Gurudev, the queen fainted. Karunamay (God Kabir) Ji appeared there. He recited a mantra just to show others (He can restore one to life even without a mantra; does not need any incantations.) and restored Indramati to life. The queen felt immensely grateful that Oh Bandichhor, had I not been in your refuge today, I would have died. Sahib said, “Indramati, I would not even have let this Kaal enter your house. He would not even have attacked you, but you would not have trusted me. You would have thought that no crisis had to come over me. Guruji has given me naam by misleading me. Therefore, I have given you a slight jolt; otherwise daughter, you would not have developed faith.”

धर्मदास यहाँ घना अंधेरा, बिन परचय जीव जम का चेरा।।

God Kabir (Karunamay) said that now when I will wish, then you will die. Garibdas Ji says that —

गरीब, काल डरै करतार से, जय जय जय जगदीश।
जौरा जौरी झाड़ती, पग रज डारे शीश।।

This Kaal is afraid of God Kabir (also known as Kabir Das) and this death (jaura) dusts Kabir Sahib’s shoes i.e. is equivalent to a servant. Then applies that dust on her head and says that I will only go to him whom you will order me to kill; otherwise I will not go.

गरीब, काल जो पीसै पीसना, जौरा है पनिहार ।
ये दो असल मजूर हैं, मेरे साहेब के दरबार।।

This Kaal who is the Lord (Brahm) of the twenty-one brahmands, who is the father of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh, he grinds the flour of my Kabir Sahib (God) i.e. is a definite servant, and jaura (death) fetches water for my Kabir Sahib i.e. is a special maid servant. These two real servants are in my Sahib’s court.

After a few days, Karunamay (God Kabir) Ji came again, and granted Satnaam to queen Indramati.

Then after some time, seeing queen Indramati’s intense devotion, Karunamay Ji gave her Saarnaam. Then made her attain Shabd3. When Sahib used to visit, Indramati used to request that please advise my king husband, Lord. If he also agrees and comes in your feet, then my life will become successful. Kabir Sahib requested Chandrvijay that Chandravijay, you may also take naam; this kingdom and luxury is of two days. Then a living being will go in 84 lakh birthsof various life forms. Chandravijay said, “Bhagwan, I will not take naam, and will not restrict your disciple whether she may give the whole treasury in charity, or organise any type of satsang. I will not oppose it.” God Kabir (Karunamay) asked, “Why will you not take naam?” King Chandravijay replied that I have to attend parties of big kings. Karunamay (God Kabir) Ji asked, “What hinderance will naam cause in going to the parties? Go to assemblies, eat cashewnuts, drink milk, juice, but do not consume alcohol. Drinking alcohol is a heinous sin.” But the king did not agree.

On queen’s request, Karunamay (God Kabir) Ji again advised the king that without naam this life will be wasted. You may take naam. The king again said that Guruji, do not ask me to take naam. I will not object your disciple. No matter how much charity she does, or how many satsangs she gets done. Sahib said, “Daughter, seeing this pleasure of two days, his mind has become corrupt. You remain devoted in God’s feet. Get your welfare done. Here nobody is anybody’s wife or husband. It is a relationship of two days. Do bhakti of Parmeshwar and perform virtuous deeds.”

When Indramati turned into an eighty year old woman, (when actually she had to die at fourty years of age) when the body also started shaking, then Karunamay Sahib Ji said, “Now tell, Indramati, do you want to go to Satlok?” Indramati replied, “Sahib, I am ready. I am completely ready, Daata.” Karunamay Ji asked, “Do you have any attachment in your grandchildren or in the wealth of the kingdom?” The queen replied, “Not at all, Sahib. You have given such a pure knowledge. Now what should I wish for in this bad lok/ world? God Kabir (Karunamay) Ji said, “Come, daughter.” The queen died. God Kabir (Karunamay) took queen Indramati’s soul up. There is a Mansarover (lake) in this brahmand. The soul has to be bathed in that Mansarover. God Kabir keeps this living being there for some time. Then asks, “Tell me again if you have any desire, then you will have to take birth again. If you have any desire left in your mind, then you can not go to Satlok.” Indramati said, “Sahib, you are omniscient. I do not have any desire. Only have desire of your feet. But I have a doubt in my mind that my husband never objected me in any of the religious acts. Otherwise today’s husbands cause hinderance to their wives. If he would have objected, then I would not have come in your feet. I would not have got my welfare done. If he gets any benefit for his cooperation in this auspicious act, then also have mercy on him sometime. Karunamay (Kabir) Parmeshwar saw that this fool has again got stuck to her devotionless husband. God Kabir said, “Alright daughter, stay here for two-four years.”

Two years later, even the king started dying. Because he had not taken naam, the messengers of Yam came. The king felt dizzy and fell in the courtyard. The messengers (doot) of Yam strangled him. Because of being strangled, the king choked and his faeces and urine came out. Karunamay (God Kabir) Ji said to the queen that look, what is the state of your king? God Kabir (Karunamay Ji) is showing from there. The queen said that please see, Daata, if he gets any reward for his cooperation in bhakti, then have mercy. The queen still had some affection. God Kabir (Karunamay) thought that she will again get entangled in Kaal’s trap. Thinking this, from Mansarover went there, where king Chandravijay was lying unconscious in his palace. The Yamdoots were taking his life. On God Kabir’s arrival, the Yamdoots flew in the sky like vultures from a dead body. Chandravijay became conscious. Karunamay Ji was standing in front. He was only visible to Chandravijay and not to anyone else. Chandravijay fell in His feet and started begging, “Please forgive me, Daata; save my life”, because he saw that now he is going to die. (The eyes of this living being open when he realises that things have actually gone wrong.) Please forgive me, save my life, Master.” God Kabir said, “King, today also the condition is same. Even that day the condition was same; you will have to take naam.” The king said, “I will take naam. I will take it just now.” God Kabir gave him naam updesh and said that now I will give you a life of two years. If even a single breath will be missed in it, then again the punishments of your deeds will remain.

कबीर, जीवन तो थोड़ा भला, जै सत सुमरण हो। लाख वर्ष का जीवना, लेखे धरे ना को।।

Because of the previous deed of cooperation in the auspicious actions and the sumiran for two years with devotion, God Kabir by providing all the three naams to Chandravijay also took him across. “Bolo Satguru Dev ki Jai, “Jai Bandichhor”.

God Kabir increases the life of a true devotee and also protects his/her family. It has been proved by the above-mentioned description. These evidences are of very early times. In the present time, a common man does not believe this.

Read the numerous evidences of removal of sufferings and increment in age in present time by Satguru Rampal Ji by the power of Venerable Kabir God in the book “Gyan Ganga” under the topic “True Path to the Misled”.

Visit and download Gyan Ganga 

about Sant Rampal Ji

Jagat Guru Tatvadarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is a Complete Saint who gives true worship and imparts the true mantras to his devotees. Read more on Sant Rampal Ji